RN Global Health

Terms & Conditions


Health Declaration:

COVID-19 Precautionary Measure

By accepting these Terms of Service, you declare that you or any person you have been in close contact with:

  • Have NOT travelled to other countries in the past 14 days, and
  • Do NOT intend to travel within the next 3 months, and
  • Are NOT experiencing any symptoms of respiratory illness.

If any of the above apply to you, please contact RN GLOBAL care team at +60 0135022113.

DO NOT accept the Terms of Service.

Important Information for Care Owners:

We’ll always do our best to match the right Care Pro for your needs.
However, we understand that situations may change.

For changes, the following penalties apply:

  • Time to visit Post-paid visit changes Pre-paid visit changes
  • 24 hours or less MYR 50 change fee MYR 30 change fee
  • 24 to 48 hours MYR 50 change fee No fee nor deduction of hours
  • 3 to 7 days MYR 30 change fee No fee nor deduction of hours
  • 7 days or more No fee No fee nor deduction of hours

For cancellations, the following penalties apply:

  • Time to visit Post-paid visit cancellations Pre-paid visit cancellations
  • 24 hours or less 100% of visit fees Deduction of 1 hour from care plan
  • 1 to 7 days MYR 30 cancellation fee No fee nor deduction of hours
  • 7 days or more No fee No fee nor deduction of hours

We enforce this policy to protect our Care Professionals, whose time was planned around your requirements.
The full policy for both postpaid and prepaid visits is available here.

RN GLOBAL Terms of Use
RN GLOBAL Privacy Policy
Service Agreement
Platform Terms of Use for RN GLOBAL

1. Terms of Use

1.1 These terms of use (“Terms”) apply to and govern your access to and use of the online platforms (collectively, the “Platforms” and each a “Platform”) which are operated by or for or on behalf of RN GLOBAL. (“RN GLOBAL”) for the purposes of RN GLOBAL providing services to its customers.


1.2 RN GLOBAL periodically reviews the Terms and reserves the right to modify the Terms at any time in its sole discretion, without any notice to you. Such modifications shall take effect immediately upon the posting of the modified Terms. You agree to review the Terms regularly to be aware of such modifications. Your continued access to or use of a Platform after such modifications shall be deemed to constitute your conclusive acceptance of the modified Terms in respect of the use of such Platforms.


1.3 RN GLOBAL shall be entitled at any time to add, change or withdraw any of the functions available or to be made available on any or all of the Platforms at its own discretion.


1.4 Your access to or use of the Platforms will be subject to any other guidelines, procedures, policies and regulations which may from time to time be prescribed, introduced, varied and/or amended by RN GLOBAL, including RN GLOBAL Privacy.


1.5 By accessing any of the Platforms, you represent and warrant that:

  • 1.5.1 you are of legal age of majority to contract in the jurisdiction in which you reside and in any event, no less than 18 years of age; and
  • 1.5.2 you are legally capable and permitted to accede to the Terms.

1.6 These Terms shall be void where prohibited by applicable law and you shall have no rights under the Terms in such circumstances.

2. Privacy
2.1 During your access to or use of a Platform or any of the services available through a Platform, RN GLOBAL may collect your personal information


2.2 The personal information collected by RN GLOBAL will be maintained, used, disclosed, stored and/or transferred in accordance with RN GLOBAL Privacy Policy.


2.3 Any information that you disclose in the public areas of any of the Platforms such as message boards and forums becomes public information. You should exercise caution when disclosing your personal information in this way.

3. Acceptable Use

3.1 You shall be responsible for any content that you post or transmit on or through any of the Platforms.


4. Content must be based on demonstrable facts, must be written fairly and objectively and must not contain any content which is offensive or abusive, liable to criminal prosecution or otherwise unlawful.

5.You agree not to cause, nor knowingly allow others to cause, any nuisance, annoyance, or inconvenience, whether to RN GLOBAL or any of the users of any of the Platforms by any means.

6. You agree to use the Platforms in a manner consistent with all applicable laws and regulations. Specifically, you will not use any of the Platforms in any way:

7.which breaches any of these Terms;

8. to post, transmit, distribute, link to, or solicit content that contains any advertising and promotional message;

8.1 which violates or infringes any laws, regulatory requirements or codes applicable in Singapore;

8.2 which infringes or violates any copyright, trademark or any other intellectual property, personal or proprietary rights of any person, or violates any obligation of confidence or any other proprietary right;

8.3 to post, transmit, distribute, link to, or solicit content that contains any obscene, offensive, defamatory or otherwise actionable material;

8.4 which undermines the security or integrity of any of the Platforms, including without limitation by importing any spyware, viruses, Trojan horses, worms, keystroke loggers, time bombs or other disabling devices or malicious computer software intended to detrimentally interfere, damage, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate such equipment, systems or networks;

8.5 to post, transmit, distribute, link to, or solicit content that contains any errors, whether technical or otherwise; or

8.6 to post, transmit, distribute, link to, or solicit content that contains any material in any form that would otherwise render Homage liable or expose Homage to any proceedings whatsoever.

8.7 You shall not use any robot, spider, or other automatic or manual device or process to monitor or copy any portion of any content contained in any of the Platforms without RN GLOBAL express written permission.

8.8 You shall not use any device, software or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of any of the Platforms, or to impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the servers serving any of the Platforms.

8.9 You acknowledge that some of the content available on the Platforms may be posted on or via the Platforms by third parties, including content provided by blogs or reviews or comments made by users of the Platforms. RN GLOBAL shall not be responsible for the accuracy of or any errors or omissions in any content available on any of the Platforms.

9. RN GLOBAL shall have the right (but not the obligation) in its sole discretion to monitor, refuse or remove any content that are available on any of the Platforms. Without limiting the foregoing, RN GLOBAL shall have the right to remove any content that violates these Terms or is otherwise objectionable.

10. RN GLOBAL assumes no responsibility for monitoring any of the Platforms for inappropriate content. If at any time RN GLOBAL chooses, at its sole discretion, to monitor any of the Platforms, RN GLOBAL nonetheless assumes no responsibility for the content available on any of such Platforms.

5. Intellectual Property


5.1 Content available on the Platforms (including information, communications, software, images, sounds contained on or available through the Platforms) is provided by RN GLOBAL, its content providers and third party licensors. The intellectual property rights to or over the contents available on the Platforms belong to RN GLOBAL, its content providers and/or third party licensors. All rights are reserved. Subject to Clause 5.2, you must not reproduce, modify, transfer, distribute, republish, download, post, or transmit in any form or by any means, including electronic, mechanical photocopying or recording, any of the content available on any of the Platforms without the prior written permission of RN GLOBAL. Without prejudice to the foregoing, you agree that the material and content contained within or available through the Platforms may not be used for commercial purposes or distributed commercially.


5.2 Notwithstanding Clause 5.1, you may view, store, print and display the content available on the Platforms solely for your personal, non-commercial use.


5.3 Your access to or use of the Platforms should not be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any licence or right to use the trademarks, tradenames, logos or service marks appearing on any of the Platforms without RN GLOBAL prior written consent. You may not, without RN GLOBAL prior written consent, use any of such trademarks, tradenames, logos or service marks as a hyperlink to RN GLOBAL website or any of the Platforms or any other website or platform.


5.4 You may not modify, translate, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the computer systems and other technology that operate any of the Platforms or create derivative works based on any of the Platforms. For the purposes of these Terms, “reverse engineering” shall include the examination or analysis of any of the Platforms to determine the source code, structure, organisation, internal design, algorithms or encryption devices of any of such Platform’s underlying technology.

6. Disclaimer of Warranties


6.1 The use of any and all of the Platforms is at your own risk.


6.2 RN GLOBAL takes certain industry-accepted precautions to secure the Platforms or portions of the Platforms. However, RN GLOBAL does not warrant that:

  • 6.2.1 the access to or use of the Platforms will meet your requirements;
  • 6.2.2 the Platforms will always be available;
  • 6.2.3 the access to or use of the Platforms will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, error-free or virus-free, or free from other invasive or damaging code;
  • 6.2.4 the quality of any products, services, information, or other material (including the content and services) purchased or obtained by you through your access to or use of the Platforms will meet your expectations; or
  • 6.2.5 any errors in the Platforms will be corrected.

6.3 By accessing and using any of the Platforms, you understand and agree that:

  • 6.3.1 You assume total responsibility and risk for your access to and use of the Platforms. Homage does not make any express or implied warranties, representations or endorsements whatsoever with regard to any of the Platforms or any content or service provided through any of the Platforms, and shall not be liable for any cost or damage arising directly or indirectly from any such transaction. The content and services available on the Platforms are provided to you on an “as is, as available” basis without warranty or condition of any kind.
  • 6.3.2 Any content downloaded, uploaded or otherwise obtained through your access to and use of any of the Platforms is done at your own risk and discretion. It is solely your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of all opinions, advice, services, and other information provided through the Platforms.

7. Indemnity


7.1 To the extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Homage, its shareholders, directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties”), from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, judgments, losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses of whatever nature (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) which any or all of the Indemnified Parties may incur or suffer as a result of, arising out of or in connection with your access to or use of any of the Platforms, your breach of any of these Terms, or your infringement or violation of the rights of any third party.


7.2 The obligations under this Clause 7 shall survive any termination of your relationship with Homage or your access to or use of the Platforms. Homage reserves the right to assume the defence and control of any matter subject to indemnification by you, in which event you will cooperate with Homage in asserting any available defences.


8. Limitation of Liability


8.1 To the extent permitted by applicable law, Homage shall not be liable to you in any way whatsoever for any loss, damages or costs, whether in contract or tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty) or otherwise arising out of or in connection with your access to or use of any of the Platforms or other content or services provided through any of the Platforms.


8.2 If you are dissatisfied with any portion of any of the Platforms or with any provision in these Terms, your sole and exclusive remedy is to terminate the Terms and discontinue your access to or use of the Platforms.

9. Third Party Websites and Third Party Content


9.1 The Platforms may contain hyperlinks or other redirection tools to websites or applications that are owned or operated by third parties. Such websites or applications are not controlled by RN GLOBAL and do not form part of any of the Platforms. If you choose to use such hyperlinks or redirection tools to access such websites or applications, you agree to review and accept such websites’ or applications’ terms and conditions of use before accessing such websites or applications. You access such third party websites and applications at your own risk.


9.2 RN GLOBAL does not assume any responsibility for material created or published by such third party websites or applications, and by providing a link to such third party websites or applications, RN GLOBAL does not imply that RN GLOBAL endorses the websites or applications or the products or services referenced in such websites or applications. You acknowledge that RN GLOBAL has no control over, excludes all liability for and cannot be deemed to have endorsed the content of any material on the Internet which can be accessed by using the Platforms.


9.3 You agree that caching, hyperlinking to, and framing of RN GLOBAL website or any of its contents are strictly prohibited.


9.4 RN GLOBAL reserves all rights to disable any links to, or frames of any website containing inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent or unlawful topics, names, material or information, or material or information that violates any written law, any applicable intellectual property or proprietary, privacy or publicity rights.


10. General


10.1 No failure or delay by RN GLOBAL in exercising any right or remedy under these Terms shall operate as a waiver of such right or remedy, nor will any single or partial exercise of any right or remedy under these Terms preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or remedy.


10.2 If any provision in these Terms shall be, or at any time shall become invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not in any way affect or impair any other provision of these Terms but these Terms shall be construed as if such invalid or illegal or unenforceable provision had never been contained in these Terms.


10.3 You shall not assign, transfer or subcontract, or purport to assign, transfer or subcontract, any of your rights, interests or obligations under these Terms without the prior written consent of RN GLOBAL. RN GLOBAL shall be entitled to assign, transfer or subcontract any or all of its rights, interests and obligations under these Terms to any third party without your prior written consent.


10.4 A person who is not a party to these Terms has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act (Chapter 53B) to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any provision of these Terms.

Privacy Policy

1. Our commitment to privacy

1.1 RN GLOBAL HEALTH TRADING (“RN GLOBAL”) knows that protecting the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information is important. RN GLOBAL shall therefore only use your name and other information that relates to you in the manner set out in this Privacy Policy. RN GLOBAL will only collect information where it is necessary for RN GLOBAL to do so and if it is relevant to RN GLOBAL dealings with you, in the manner set out in this Privacy Policy. RN GLOBAL will only keep your information for as long as RN GLOBAL is either required to by law or as is relevant for the purposes for which it was collected.

1.2 The collection, use and disclosure of personal information (see Clause 2.1 for a definition) by RN GLOBAL are governed by the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (the “Act”). This Privacy Policy explains what personal information is collected from users of RN GLOBAL website and/or other online platforms (collectively, the “Platforms”) and services and how such personal information is used and disclosed to other parties. It also explains how you can ask questions, make suggestions, and complain about RN GLOBAL privacy practices.

1.3 This Privacy Policy applies to personal information collected by RN GLOBAL .Note that RN GLOBAL may contain links to other websites provided and maintained exclusively by third parties not subject to this Privacy Policy. Please review the privacy policies on any third party websites to determine their information handling practices. RN GLOBAL will not be liable under any circumstances for any damages whatsoever, direct or indirect, resulting from any use of RN GLOBAL or any other third party website linked to RN GLOBAL, whether or not RN GLOBAL is advised of the possibility of such damages. If you have any additional concerns or questions, you are encouraged to contact RN GLOBAL and RN GLOBAL will address your concerns to the best of its ability. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully and check back periodically as RN GLOBAL updates it from time to time. By submitting your personal information to RN GLOBAL and by visiting RN GLOBAL, you signify your agreement to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy, and expressly consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in the manner and for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.

1.4 If you have any comments, suggestions or complaints, you may contact RN GLOBAL by email at rnglobalhealth16@gmail.com

2. What is personal information?

2.1 “Personal information” refers to data, whether true or not, about an individual who can be identified (a) from that data; or (b) from that data and other information to which the organisation has or is likely to have access, whether stored in electronic or non-electronic form. “Personal information” does not include the name, title, business address or telephone number of an employee of an organisation. Information used solely for journalistic purposes is exempted from the Act.

3. What personal information does RN GLOBAL collect, and why?

3.1 RN GLOBAL collects your personal information for specific, limited purposes, as set out in this Clause 3. Information is collected by fair and lawful means.

3.1.1 RN GLOBAL collects contact information (for example, name, address, email address, and telephone numbers) This information is used to complete your RN bookings and respond to your inquiries.

3.1.2 RN GLOBAL also collects credit card and bank account information as needed to process payments for RN GLOBAL services. RN GLOBAL does not permanently store your credit card and bank account information.

3.1.3 If you enter a contest or other promotion, RN GLOBAL collects your personal contact information to administer the contest or promotion, including for the purposes of contacting, announcing and promoting prize winners.

3.1.4 RN GLOBAL collects booking history and a list of promotions offered to you (“History”) in order to gain a better understanding of your interests so that RN GLOBAL may develop better services and to determine eligibility for RN GLOBAL services.

3.1.5 RN GLOBAL collects and stores your location history to establish your location, improve your experience and from time to time to send you information, such as promotional offers, that are most relevant to your geographic location.

3.1.6 RN GLOBAL keeps notes and special instructions in respect of your personal information on file to help RN GLOBAL fulfil your care service requirements and care bookings, and provide customer service.

3.1.7 RN GLOBAL also collects your personal information to help RN GLOBAL improve the services provided by RN GLOBAL (including the types of services offered by RN GLOBAL , the quality of the care professionals used to provide the services, RN GLOBAL internal care operations, customer service and support, and outreach services.

3.1.8 If you choose to opt out of any use of your personal information in accordance with Clause 6, RN GLOBAL keeps your contact information on a list so that your request can be honoured.

3.1.9 If you complain to any of RN GLOBAL departments for any reason, RN GLOBAL collects your contact information and the nature of your complaint for the purpose of investigating your complaint and responding to you .

3.1.10 Additional purposes for the collection, use or disclosure of personal information, which are not set out in this Privacy Policy, will be set out at the time of collection. RN GLOBAL will obtain your consent to such additional purposes no later than at the time of such collection.

3.1.11 Collection of Computer Data: RN GLOBAL may use cookies, web beacons, and other similar technologies for storing information to help provide you with a better, faster, safer and personalised experience when you use RN GLOBAL services and/or access any of the Platforms. When you visit RN GLOBAL website, RN GLOBAL servers will automatically record information that your browser sends whenever you visit a website. This data may include:
(i) your computer’s IP address;

(ii) browser type;

(iii) webpage you were visiting before you came to RN GLOBAL website;

(iv) the pages within RN GLOBAL website which you visit; and

(v) the time spent on those pages, items and information searched for on RN GLOBAL website, access times and dates, and other statistics.

This information is collected for analysis and evaluation in order to help RN GLOBAL improve RN GLOBAL website and the services and products RN GLOBAL provides.

3.1.12 Internet Cookies: An internet cookie is a small piece of information that a website stores on your internet browser. RN GLOBAL uses cookies to better understand how you use RN GLOBAL website and to improve your experience. For example, a cookie may recall a set of preferences you have set for RN GLOBAL website. Storing cookies on your web browser allows RN GLOBAL to present you with custom web pages and other content that are tuned with your preferences. These activities are invisible to you, and are generally intended to improve your internet surfing convenience. Unless you have set your preferences so that you will be alerted when a cookie is being stored on your computer, you will not know about it.

3.1.13 If you are concerned about cookies, you may disable them by adjusting the privacy and security settings of your mobile device or web browser. However, please be aware that by disabling cookies, you may not be able to use all portions of RN GLOBAL website and may not have the optimal experience.

3.1.14 RN GLOBAL may place advertising or other links on any of the Platforms that originate from outside advertisers. If you view these ads, the advertisers may assign a cookie. RN GLOBAL does not control these cookies, nor is it responsible for any marketing or other use of your name by these advertisers.

4. Market Research

4.1 Occasionally, RN GLOBAL asks its users to complete market research surveys. Survey results are aggregated and shared with RN GLOBAL advertisers, sponsors and related corporations in a manner that does not disclose personal information.

5. To whom does RN GLOBAL disclose personal information, and why?

5.1 RN GLOBAL may use or disclose your personal information under the following circumstances:


  • 5.1.1 RN GLOBAL may use the contact information and History collected from you to send you promotional offers and information from RN GLOBAL , its related corporations and from selected sponsors or advertisers (“Marketing Offers”). RN GLOBAL may disclose your personal contact information to related corporations and selected sponsors and advertisers in order to provide you with Marketing Offers. If you do not wish to receive Marketing Offers, you may opt out at any time by following the procedure set out in Clause 6.

  • 5.1.2 RN GLOBAL may transfer your personal information to service providers acting on its behalf in order to perform processing and other specialised services, for example, prize fulfilment of RN GLOBAL contests, collection of overdue accounts, service delivery, credit card or bank transfer processing.

  • 5.1.3 RN GLOBAL may disclose your personal information to any legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities or the relevant right owners pursuant to Clause 13.

  • 5.1.4 RN GLOBAL may disclose your personal information to parties connected with the contemplated or actual financing, insuring, sale, assignment or other disposal of all or part of its business or assets, including for the purposes of determining whether to proceed or continue with such transaction or business relationship or fulfilling any records or other reporting requirements to such parties. RN GLOBAL will require such parties to treat your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and to use and disclose it only for the purposes for which it was collected.

5.2 In disclosing or transferring your personal information to third parties and/or RN GLOBAL related corporations located overseas, RN GLOBAL will ensure that the receiving jurisdiction has in place a standard of protection accorded to personal information that is comparable to the protection under or up to the standard of the Act.


6. Withdrawal of Consent and Opting Out

6.1 RN GLOBAL will obtain your express consent to collect, use and disclose your personal information for any additional purposes not set out in this Privacy Policy at or prior to the time of collection.

6.2 You may, at any time, withdraw your consent to and opt out of RN GLOBAL collection, use and/or disclosure of your personal information for any the purposes set out in Clauses 3, 4, and/or 5 by contacting RN GLOBAL at its email address set out in Clause 14.3 below.

6.3 Please note that if you opt out of allowing RN GLOBAL to collect, use and/or disclose your personal information for any of the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, RN GLOBAL may not be in a position to continue to provide RN GLOBAL services to you or perform any contract RN GLOBAL has with you. RN GLOBAL rights and remedies (legal or otherwise) are expressly reserved in such an event.

6.4 If you do not wish to receive Marketing Offers, you may opt out at any time by doing any of the following:

  • 6.4.1 follow the instructions at the bottom of any email Marketing Offer you receive;

  • 6.4.2 inform your telemarketer at the time you are called with a Marketing Offer; or

  • 6.4.3 email Client Services at rnglobalhealth16@gmail.com and request that your personal information not be used for Marketing Offers.

7. Security of Your Personal Information

7.1 RN GLOBAL maintains personal information in a combination of paper and electronic files. RN GLOBAL takes technical, contractual, administrative and physical security measures to protect your personal information. Not all RN GLOBAL interactions require that credit card and/or bank information be provided. If you provide credit card and/or bank account information to RN GLOBAL, RN GLOBAL works to help protect the security of your credit card and/or bank account information by using industry standard secure sockets layer (SSL) encryption technology.

7.2 Please be aware that email is not a secure medium, and any personal information you send to RN GLOBAL by email could be intercepted. If your communication is very sensitive, or includes information such as your credit card number and/or bank account information, you should not send it electronically unless the email is encrypted or your browser indicates that the access RN website is secure. Materials posted to online forums such as bulletin boards or chat rooms are public, not secure and may be viewed by anyone. Any personal information you post may be collected and used by anyone and may result in unsolicited messages from other internet users.

7.3 If you believe your privacy has been breached by RN GLOBAL.

8 No Spam, Spyware, or Virus

8.1 No spam, spyware or virus is allowed on any of the Platforms. Please set and maintain your communication preferences so that RN GLOBAL sends communications to you as you prefer. You are not licensed or otherwise allowed to add other users to your mailing list (email or physical mail) without their express consent. You should not send any messages which contain any spam, spyware or virus via RN GLOBAL. If you would like to report any suspicious messages, please contact RN GLOBAL at its email rnglobalhealth16@gmail.com


9. How to access and correct your personal information

9.1 RN GLOBAL provides you with the means to access, update, edit or delete certain subscriber and registration information you have provided at any time by going to the appropriate location at any of the Platforms, and changing or deleting such information as desired.

9.2 If you would like to view the personal information RN GLOBAL has on you or inquire about the ways in which your personal information has been or may have been used or disclosed by RN GLOBAL within the past year, please contact RN at its email address rnglobalhealth16@gmail.com reserves the right to charge a reasonable administrative fee for retrieving your personal information records.

9.3 RN GLOBAL will give you access to the information RN GLOBAL retains about you within a reasonable time, upon written request, satisfactory identification and proof of entitlement. In some cases, RN GLOBAL may not provide access to personal information in RN GLOBAL possession or control. If RN GLOBAL denies your request, RN GLOBAL will advise you in writing of the reason for the refusal and you may challenge RN GLOBAL decision.


10. Do-Not-Call Privacy Statement

10.1 RN GLOBAL takes its responsibility to protect the information you provide to RN GLOBAL very seriously.

10.2 From time to time, RN GLOBAL and its partners may call or SMS its users to inform them about its latest services or promotional offers.

10.3 If you no longer wish to receive marketing calls or messages, you may withdraw your consent by contacting rnglobalhealth16@gmail.com at its email address .

11. General Provisions

11.1 You must only submit to RN GLOBAL, or RN GLOBAL authorised agent, information which is accurate and not misleading and you must keep up to date and inform RN GLOBAL of any changes to such information. RN GLOBAL reserves the right to request for documentation to verify the information provided by you.

11.2 By sharing the personal information of any third party with RN GLOBAL , you expressly represent and warrant to RN GLOBAL that you have obtained all required consents from the relevant third party to disclose and transfer his/her personal information to RN GLOBAL and for RN GLOBAL to collect, use and disclose such personal information for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. You agree to indemnify RN GLOBAL against any and all claims, losses, and damages arising from or in connection with any third party claims as a result of RN GLOBAL collection, use or disclosure of such personal information.

11.3 RN GLOBAL may disclose or share non-personally identifiable information with partners, advertisers, current in-home personal care businesses and/or prospective in-home personal care businesses to help explain its business and the effectiveness of RN GLOBAL business or for promotional purposes. For example, RN GLOBAL may disclose aggregated demographic information which does not include any personally identifiable information.

12. Changes to the Privacy Policy

12.1 RN GLOBAL shall regularly review the sufficiency of this Privacy Policy. RN GLOBAL reserves the right to modify and change the Privacy Policy at any time.

13.RN GLOBAL Right

13.1 You acknowledge and agree that RN GLOBAL has the right to disclose your personal information to any legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities or the relevant right owners, if RN GLOBAL has reasonable grounds to believe that disclosure of your personal information is necessary for the purpose of meeting any obligations, requirements or arrangements, whether voluntary or mandatory, as a result of cooperating with an order, an investigation and/or a request of any nature by such parties. To the extent permissible by applicable law, you agree not to take any action and/or you hereby waive your rights to take any action against RN GLOBAL for the disclosure of your personal information in these circumstances.

14. How to challenge RN GLOBAL privacy practices

14.1 RN GLOBAL encourages you to contact RN GLOBAL with any questions or concerns you have about RN GLOBAL privacy practices or this Privacy Policy. If you have a question concerning RN GLOBAL Privacy Policy or would like a copy, or if you have a complaint, please contact Client Services at rnglobalhealth16@gmail.com

14.2 Client Services can deal with many issues. If you prefer or if, after contacting Client Services, your concerns or questions have not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can contact us at rnglobalhealth16@gmail.com

14.3 If you wish to withdraw your consent to RN GLOBAL use of your personal information, wish to request access and/or correction of your personal information, have any queries, comments or concerns, or require any help on technical or cookie-related matters in relation to RN GLOBAL website, please feel free to contact RN GLOBAL +06 0135022113

RN GLOBAL Client Services Agreement

THIS AGREEMENT is made between the Care Professional and the Client and takes effect from the date that the Care Professional accepts a Booking Request made by the Client.


A. RN GLOBAL HEALTH TRADING (“RN GLOBAL”) operates and manages a Platform through which a client can request for In-home Care Services (as hereinafter defined).

B. When a Booking Request (as hereinafter defined) made by a client has been received by RN GLOBAL, RN GLOBAL will conduct a care assessment to decide whether it is able to assist with the request. If it is able to, the Company will propose via an algorithm the most suitable care professional from its Database (as hereinafter defined) to meet the Booking Request.

C. The Client has registered with the Platform and has submitted a Booking Request.

D. The Care Professional is an independent contractor proposed by RN GLOBAL to provide the In- home Care Services and has accepted the Client’s Booking Request.

E. This Agreement sets out the obligations of each Party in connection with the provision of the Booked Services (as hereinafter defined).


1.1 For the purpose of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

(a). “Agreement” means this agreement together with the Schedules hereto, which may be amended from time to time, as agreed in writing by the Parties together with the Booking Request accepted by the Care Professional;

(b). “Booked Service Duration” means the estimated amount of time the Care Professional will require to carry out the Booked Services as set out in the Booking Request;

(c). “Booked Service Fee” means the fee payable by the Client for the Booked Services;

(d). “Booked Service Location ” means the address where the Booked Services are to be carried out as set out in the Booking Request;

(e). “Booked Services” means the In-home Care Services that the Client has requested in its Booking Request and which has been accepted by the Care Professional;

(f). “Booking Request” means the request made by a Client for the Booked Services which are to be carried out at the Booked Service Location at the Scheduled Booking Time;

(g). “Care Professional” means the care professional proposed by the Company to provide the In-home Care Services who has accepted the Client’s Booking Request;

(h). “Client” means a person who has made a Booking Request and for which the Care Professional has undertaken or will be undertaking a Booked Service;

(i). “Database” means the database compiled by the Company relating to independent care professionals with specific skills required to deliver the In-home Care Services;

(j). “Dispute Period” means the period of seven (7) working days following the completion of the Booked Services;

(k). “In-home Care Services” means the in-home care services set out on the Website which are available to be performed by care professionals including the Standard Services and Bookable Extras;

(l). “Medical Consumables ”means the consumable products required by the Care Professional to perform the Booked Services;

(m). “Payment Agent means the third party escrow and payment agent engaged by RN GLOBAL to collect the Booked Service Fee and to process and remit payments to the Care Professional;

(n). “Scheduled Booking Time” means the time and date the Booked Services are to be undertaken by the Care Professional in accordance with the Booking Request;

(0). “Tax” means goods and services tax or any other taxes or payments which may be imposed by authorities in Malaysia; and

(p). “Platform” means RN GLOBAL website or mobile phone applications .
1.2 The headings in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement.

1.3 Unless otherwise indicated, any reference in this Agreement to a Clause or Schedule refers to specific Clause of, or Schedule to this Agreement.

1.4 References to any statute or statutory provision are to be construed as a reference to the same as it may from time to time be, amended, modified or re-enacted.

1.5 Words denoting the singular include the plural and vice versa and words importing the masculine gender include the feminine and neuter genders and vice versa.

1.2 The headings in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement.

1.3 Unless otherwise indicated, any reference in this Agreement to a Clause or Schedule refers to specific Clause of, or Schedule to this Agreement.

1.4 References to any statute or statutory provision are to be construed as a reference to the same as it may from time to time be, amended, modified or re-enacted.

1.5 Words denoting the singular include the plural and vice versa and words importing the masculine gender include the feminine and neuter genders and vice versa.


2.1 The Care Professional shall provide the Booked Services at the Scheduled Booking Time and Booked Service Location.

2.2 The Parties acknowledge that the Care Professional is engaged directly by the Client as an independent contractor and nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as creating an employer-employee relationship between the Parties. The Parties further acknowledge that the Care Professional is not an agent or partner (through a joint-venture or otherwise) of RN GLOBAL and is not authorised to make any representation, contract or commitment on behalf of RN GLOBAL.


3.1 The Care Professional agrees to:

  • (a). deliver and complete the Booked Services;
  • (b). provide the Booked Services with reasonable care and skill;
  • (c). take all necessary steps to avoid any loss and/or damage to the Client’s property; and
  • (d). utilise the Booked Service Duration effectively and efficiently in providing the Booked Services.

3.2 If the Booked Services performed by the Care Professional are not up to a standard reasonably required of a care professional or if there is any damage caused to the Client by the Care Professional (the “Client Dispute”), the Client shall notify RN GLOBAL of the Client Dispute within the Dispute Period. RN GLOBAL shall inform the Care Professional of the Client Dispute and the Care Professional shall arrange, via RN GLOBAL, a date and time mutually agreed with the Client (in no event later than 7 days after the Client Dispute is raised unless otherwise agreed by the Client) to complete the Booked Services or rectify the Booked Services to a reasonable standard at the Booked Service Location. No additional payment will be charged to the Client for the performance of any rectification services in satisfaction of a Client Dispute. Booked Services will not be deemed to be completed (and an invoice will not be issue to the Client for payment) until a Client Dispute has been resolved.



4.1 The Client shall:

  • (a). do all things which are reasonably necessary to enable the Care Professional to perform the Booked Services in an efficient manner;
  • (b). provide the Medical Consumables which are necessary to enable the Care Professional to perform the Booked Services;
  • (c). provide a safe environment for the Care Professional to provide the Booked Services;
  • (d). notify RN GLOBAL of any damage caused by the Care Professional as soon as practicable, but in any event, within the Dispute Period; and
  • (e). ensure that the Booked Service Location is at a private residential property and not an office or a place of business (except where the care services involve escort services).


5.1 The Client shall pay the Booked Service Fee for the Booked Services.

5.2 The Client agrees to allow the Payment Agent to process payment by bank transfer or the Client’s credit card automatically in an amount equal to the Booked Service Fee prior to the completion of the Booked Services. The Payment Agent will remit payment to the Care Professional (less any payment made to RN GLOBAL) following the completion of the Booked Services.


6.1 ​Any cancellations of changes to the Booking Request shall be dealt with in accordance to the Care Owner Cancellation & Change Policy in force at such time. The Client agrees to be bound by RN GLOBAL Care Owner Cancellation & Change Policy and its amendments from time to time.


7.1 This Agreement shall commence on the date set out at the beginning of this Agreement and will continue until terminated:

  • (a) in accordance with Clause 6.1, Clause 6.2, Clause 6.5 or Clause 6.6; or
  • (b) by either Party by giving written notice to the other Party following a material breach of this Agreement by the other Party.

7.2 Termination of this Agreement, however arising, shall not affect either Party’s rights and remedies that have accrued as at termination.



8.1 Neither Party shall be in breach of this Agreement nor liable for delay in performing, or failure to perform, any of its obligations under this Agreement if such delay or failure results from events, circumstances or causes beyond its reasonable control.


9.1 Each Party shall keep in strict confidence all information of a confidential nature which has been disclosed to it by the other Party. This Clause shall survive termination of this Agreement.


10.1 All amounts payable pursuant to this Agreement are expressed in and shall be paid in Ringgit.

10.2 All rights and remedies of the Parties are separate and cumulative, and none of them, whether exercised or not, shall be deemed to be to the exclusion of any other rights or remedies or shall be deemed to limit or prejudice any other legal or equitable rights or remedies which either Party may have.

10.3 The waiver by a Party of any default, breach or non-compliance under this Agreement shall not operate as a waiver of that Party’s rights under this Agreement in respect of any continuing or subsequent default, breach or non-observance (whether of the same or any other nature).

10.4 If any provision or part-provision of this Agreement is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or party-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any modification to or deletion of a provision or part-provision under this Clause shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of this Agreement.

10.5 Any notice required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be properly given if personally delivered, delivered by facsimile transmission or mailed by prepaid registered mail addressed to the Parties at their addresses set out at the beginning of this Agreement or to such other address as each Party may from time to time specify by notice given to the other in accordance herewith. Any notice so given shall be conclusively deemed to have been given or made on the day of delivery, if personally delivered, or if delivered by facsimile transmission or mailed as aforesaid, upon the date shown on the facsimile confirmation of receipt or on the postal receipt as the date upon which the envelope containing such notice was actually received by the addressee.

10.6 Neither Party shall be entitled to assign or otherwise part with the whole or part of the benefit of this Agreement without the consent of the other Party.

10.7 No amendment of this Agreement will be effective unless made in writing and signed by the Parties.

10.8 This Agreement, together with the Booking Request accepted by the Care Professional, constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties pertaining to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations and discussions, whether oral or written.

10.9 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Malaysia.

10.10 Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be referred to and settled by arbitration in accordance with the Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC) Rules. The seat of the arbitration shall be Malaysia. The arbitration shall be conducted in English. The arbitral tribunal shall consist of one arbitrator. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, any party may at any time without regard to any notice periods required by the provisions hereof, and as often as is necessary or appropriate, seek any injunctive relief or measures, or any interlocutory, provisional or interim relief or measures, from any court of competent jurisdiction.

10.11 This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts and all such counterparts when executed and taken together will constitute this Agreement.

AS WITNESS whereof this Agreement has been duly executed as an agreement the day and year first above written.